Yep, I been slacking. I have to admit I am not a great blogger by any means and I get on a roll and love to post then I get to a blah day and don't post at all. Take this post for instance. My great friend Chrissy over at A Lil Dash of Diva sent me this award and it has taken me forever to post it up. Thanks Chrissy for posting it for me and shame on me for not posting it. I will work on getting better.
The Rules after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award are:
• Thank the person who gave you the award & link back to them in your post.
• Share 7 things about yourself.
• Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.
OK Here are 7 things about myself:
1. I am a momma to 2 boys who are my world.
2. I am a jeans and tank top kinda girl no matter what the occasion. Sure I love to get all dolled up but it is rare.
3. I love to hide in the tub to read a good book.
4. My momma is one of my best friends. I tell her just about everything.
5. I got married on Christmas Day.
6. My favorite color is teal and I am a sucker for just about anything with Polka Dots ...(My new bedding is teal and white polka dots)
7. I eat sweet pickles in my tacos. Don't hate and give a dirty look unless you have tried it out first.

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