Men don't understand it, and women can't explain it....or don't want to. It's the thing a woman does or says that seems to have no logical interpretation or rational thought pattern. These items listed below are all girl things. That's all. Pure and simple. And no explanations will be given. After all, if you don't get must not be a girl.
These may not all apply to every girl who reads them as we are all different.
It's a Girl thing to....
* Spend hours in the pursuit of the proper eye shadow color to coordinate with your handbag, shoes and hose.
* Know all bathroom scales are off and never in her favor.
* Own 12 red lipsticks yet needing another one because all the others are the wrong shade.
* Have "strap" problems in public.
* Dislike a "Macho" man, except when a dead mouse needs to be taken to the garbage.
* Insist a guy participate in the losing game of "Do you notice anything different?"
* Cry the moment it becomes apparent you are losing the argument.
So...What GIRL thing do you do?

lol, I do most of those things. Does that make me extra girly?