So recently I have begun following a few blogs that my friend also follows because we have the same great taste. There is one in particular called that has a post on being THAT girl. Well I decided to make my own list. What kind of girl am I? Read on to find out....
I am THAT girl that occasionally asks her friends for their opinions on her blog posts because my creativeness seems to run dry the later the day gets.
I am THAT girl that loves to be a girly girl in a house FULL of boys.
I am THAT girl that bakes for a living but doesn't like sweets.
I am THAT girl that would rather have a Mt. Dew than water.
I am THAT girl that locks herself in the bathroom when the hubby gets home with a good book just to escape the testosterone.
I am THAT girl that will do anything for my friends or family and they know it.
So...What kind of girl are you?

I ♥ your list. And you are so totally THAT girl!