YAY! It's Saturday! Hooray for the weekend! Hooray for being that much closer to school starting. D is ready and so am I.
Today has been a fairly productive day. I started my morning by taking my mom the the commissary on Base to get her groceries. It is so much cheaper there. Then I came home and ate lunch. After lunch I was bored and my normal chatting buddy wasn't online so I decided to clean the boys rooms. D's room was pretty easy to clean. Then I go into Monkey's room. His wasn't too bad but he has a ton of bins and little drawer thingys that have bins...so I started organizing. 2 hours later I finally finish!
I decided to kick back and relax and watch some Harry Potter (love me some HP) even though Bubba refuses to watch it with me. Then I soaked in the tub and finished off yet another book.
Got out and played a game of Backgammon with D and now I am patiently waiting on Bubba to return home with my Texas Cheese Fries from Chilis. He was against going until he came in and saw me perusing the menu anyhow and his mouth started watering ... he is now on his way.
Bedtime is soon and I am ready for some quiet and no kids pulling on me or fighting with one another or getting hurt.

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