Today I am linking up with
to-calm-insanity to let you know the Buzz about Me!
Here are the rules:
1. Write a post with your answers provided to each week's questions
2. Place the button in your post so others can find this link back
3. Have fun and come back every week
Here are the questions :
1. If you had to label yourself as to one genre of music you listen to the most, what would it be?
For me it would have to be Pop music. I don't care what year but I really get into it.
2. What are five items that you always keep in your purse?
Wallet, Epi Pen, Spare Girly stuffs, Brush, Hair Tie
3. If you could drink only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Coconut Rum. If you are only giving me one option I may as well have fun with it. JUST KIDDING. I would pick Mt. Dew
4. What are three tv shows you miss watching that are no longer aired?
ER, 90210 (The Old school version) and I can't think of a 3rd one.
5. What is one cd your own that people would laugh if you told them you actually bought that?
I don't own any that anyone would laugh at. Now back in the day I did. But I don't own it anymore so I can say it doesn't apply here :)
6. What is one job/career you told yourself you would never do even if it was your last resort?
I will have to agree with my friend Trixie when she says anything to do with Barf or Poop. Just not going to happen.
7. How did you decide on the name{s} of your child{ren}?
With D it was the one my husband and I liked best. For Monkey it was not decided until a few weeks before he was born and it was something that flowed with D's name (Dylan and Tyler)
8. What is one show you refuse to miss no matter what?
9. How many miles would you say you drive in a week?
On average about 30
10. Who is one celebrity you wish would just go away & disappear off the face of the earth never to return?
There are quite a few but just one....Oh I can't pick just one. So I would have to say the cast of Jersey Shore. I am done hearing about them.